We get your app business started

Got an app idea but not sure how to begin? We'll transform it into a product that powers your business growth.

Mobile & web apps from scratch. Tailor-made and cost-effective. For aspiring app entrepreneurs.

Fishtail Product Lab Mobile & Web Apps
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    CEO @ ACNE Inc

Our Product Services for Mobile & Web Apps

We're not a feature factory. We're a Product Lab.

A group of positive emoji

"We're not a feature factory. We're a Product Lab. Unlike your typical IT provider, our philosophy is all about discovery. We dive deep into user insights to solve the real problems that matter. For aspiring app entrepreneurs, this means teaming up with a partner who's as invested in your success as you are. Together, we'll craft solutions that truly resonate with your audience, giving you the edge you need in today's competitive app market."

Janina Fishtail Product Lab

Janina Nuber

Owner @ Fishtail Product Lab

Made by Fishtail Product Lab

MealPrapp Fishtail Product Lab MealPrapp Fishtail Product Lab


Product: Mobile App incl. Admin Panel Web App // Industry: Food & Fitness

MealPrapp is an advanced meal planning app for busy moms and families. It transforms their approach to daily meals. Featuring our star component, the recipe model kit, the MealPrapp empowers users to effortlessly craft personalized recipes with their favorite ingredients, discover a variety of recipes, efficiently plan meals, generate shopping lists, and receive helpful reminders.

The MealPrapp stands out with its exceptional user experience, a highly customized UI design and standout features in the realm of recipe apps. Seamlessly integrated into our client's business model, it resiliently launched directly into full production. Explore how we achieved this.

sanu Fishtail Product Lab sanu Fishtail Product Lab


Product: Mobile App incl. Admin Panel Web App // Industry: Elderly Home Care

sanu is our flagship in-house product. It is an investor-backed, B2B2C SaaS solution that brings language tech into caregiving. As a cross-language collaboration app for home care, it enables streamlined coordination across language barriers between foreign caregivers and family members of seniors in home care. 

sanu’s key features include a messenger, shared calendars, urgent issue reporting, emergency calls, and comprehensive senior profiles - all integrated with automatic language translation.

sanu stands out with a focus on UX for non-tech-savvy users, seamlessly integrated AI translation, robust user management, and strict legal compliance.
Discover how we've conquered these hurdles to deliver a whole new caregiving experience.


Our services are priced competitively to accommodate the budgets of aspiring app entrepreneurs looking to kickstart their ideas.

Prices for our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of your project and may vary accordingly. All prices exclude VAT.

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    Version One

    40-65K Euros
    Typically, this is ideal for getting started with your app idea. With this, we will create a first complete product with up to 4-5 key features. It can also include an admin panel web app along with your mobile app.
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    Individual Offer
    Typically, this is ideal for taking your product to the next level after the initial launch. With this, we will create a maturing product with up to 6-9 key features as our user insights evolve.

About Us

We're a collective of global product entrepreneurs and tech talents crafting tailor-made, cost-effective solutions. 

Collectively, we have built 20+ mobile and web apps for clients in Europe, North America, and Asia. Our pool of talents will form a design & tech team for your project, guided by experienced product leads. 

Each and every one of us has one commitment: Elevating everything we work on from good to great.

  • Janina Fishtail Product Lab
    Janina Nuber
    Owner & Product Manager

    Hey there! I'm Janina – a linguist, data scientist, product manager, and the proud founder of my language tech product startup, sanu. Fueled by the formative experiences I gained at sanu and a stellar team I'm lucky to have gathered, I started Fishtail Product Lab. My personal mission is simple but powerful: teaming up with visionary minds to craft outstanding apps from the ground up. Ready to make something awesome together? 🌟

  • Riwaj Sapkota


Fishtail's Trusted Partner Companies

Our Technology Stack

We specialize in leveraging state-of-the-art, scalable, and secure technologies to develop mobile and web apps tailored to elevate your business.

Frontend Technologies

Cross-Platform Mobile Technologies

Backend Technologies

Database, Deployment & Infrastructure, CICD

Questions? Look here.

Built on Unicorn Platform